A soul expression session in my studio.

Hello morning soul expression session in my studio. 

There’s this notion that creativity, movement forward, healing, revelations, aha-moments and pearls of wisdom come from not only our depths but that they must be excavated, unearthed, unveiled or realised through suffering, struggle, pain, anger or frustration.

Oh yes, in those depths there’s gold.

As there is in rebellion and raging against the machine angst.

And there’s also wild precious gold that shows itself and speaks to us in the depths of our calm and peace, in our silence and solitude, in being with our own self and being our real self when with loved ones, in our love and light.

And even in our pure wanting of and leaning into that. 

What if just for right now you let yourself be whole enough, enlightened enough, healed enough to drop into deeper peace with who you are in this moment?

Thank you for being here and reading these words.

If you found value in this post join my list below to receive the latest soul-nourishing goodness from me straight to your inbox + it’s also where I tuck in exclusive offers and freebies, yay! Know peeps who would also find value in this read? Please share the love via your fav social feed. Ready to align deeper with your divine self? Check out 1:1 Sessions with me.

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So much love,

Jelena xx

Preparing the ground to seek and find new ways + a moon mantra.

Lutadora helped me gather flowers for my recent Way of the We.Moon, Medicine Circle honouring the New Moon in Sagittarius.

Lutadora does whatever makes her genuinely feel good.

Which is exactly what this New Moon encouraged us to reach for.

It surfaced questions like;

How do I really want to feel?

What do I truly want to hold in my focus?

Preparing the ground for you to seek and find new ways to experience more of your authentic self. 

Like for Lutadora.

She’s one of my rescued hens. Every one of her sisters are happy as clams to walk around the garden.

This chickie?

She’d prefer to walk up the stairs, stroll around the veranda and see if she can come into the house.

With flowers gathered, paper and pastels ready this was the sacred centre for our Circle.

And with each New and Full Moon births out a Moon Mantra.

Use this one to soothe your way forward from where you are right now.

Thank you for being here and reading these words.

If you found value in this post join my list below to receive the latest soul-nourishing goodness from me straight to your inbox + it’s also where I tuck in exclusive offers and freebies, yay! Know peeps who would also find value in this read? Please share the love via your fav social feed. Ready to align deeper with your divine self? Check out 1:1 Sessions with me.

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So much love,

Jelena xx

Light the world with your light + a festive freebie for you.

As we say hello to December, it arrived with a gush of inspiration. So I took straight to the studio with an idea I’ve had for a while.

To create a mindful advent calendar filled with calmness, kindness and creativity. 

Well, today was the day.

It birthed out…

Light the world with your light.

25 inspired advent calendar nudges.

Want the mindful festive freebie?

As a way to honour the festive season, I created this collection of kind, calm and creative activities for you. Pop your name in below and I’ll send you the high quality printable. You’ll also be on my list for regular soul-nourishing goodness (psst. this is where I tuck in exclusive offers + freebies). Yay!

Yes! Send me the printable!

Thank you for being here and reading these words.

Know peeps who would find value in this read? Please share the love via your fav social feed. Ready to align deeper with your divine self? Check out 1:1 Sessions with me.

So much love,

Jelena xx