My newest soul-nourishing Sunday practice; brewing up a batch of spice water.

My newest soul-nourishing Sunday practice.

Brewing up a batch of spice water with spices I’ve smashed out in my mortar and pestle. I find this part so familiar, meditative and delicious to the senses.

Then using it to make a super soothing chai tea from scratch.

Thanks to Ayurvedic Practitioner Jo Kelly, who is also the talent behind Cafe Mantra Music and a beautiful friend of mine, for sharing the recipe during her Ayurvedic Cooking Workshop over the weekend. 

You can find it in her book, Making Food Medicine

What are some of your daily or weekly soul-nourishing practices? 

Thank you for being here and reading these words.

If you found value in this post join my list below to receive the latest soul-nourishing goodness from me straight to your inbox + it’s also where I tuck in exclusive offers and freebies, yay! Know peeps who would also find value in this read? Please share the love via your fav social feed. How to work deeper with me; Check out 1:1 Sessions with me.

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So much love,

Jelena xx

Surrender to the newness + a free lunar poster + journal prompts for you.

The New Moon in Aquarius (exact 8:42am Saturday 25 January AEDT) is an apt time to tune into your heart for guidance and direction.

Particularly with how you want to feel moving forward in relationship with; yourself, all that matters to you, Mama Earth and the world.

Allow “the world” to be what it means for you.

This is a time to set intentions, recognise how you really feel and fine-tune the connection with your heart… it knows the way to all the newness you are wanting for yourself and life.

This New Moon is the first New Moon for 2020, and also marks the Chinese New Year of the Yang Metal Rat.

If that sounds a tad rigid, clang-y and ewww you can thank the lens of our Western Culture.

Welcome Yang Metal Rat.

It’s here to radically cleanse our personal lens and support deep, meaningful and visionary change.

The energy of yang is encouraging action, aligned expansion and life-enhancing giving.

The metal element invites us to uncover and experience our hidden treasures.

And the animal wisdom of rat speaks to open-mindedness, sovereignty and the ability to be crafty.

The New Moon and the Chinese New Year are reminding us that we are born with the individual power to co-create a more empowering reality.

To call in more conscious leadership, allow yourself to be a conscious leader from within.

To call in more mindful resourcefulness, tap into and honour your inner resources.

To call in deeper connection with all life, deepen the connection with your authentic self.

These thoughts inspired my latest offering to you.

Want the printable poster + journal prompts?

As a playful way to honour these energetic and determined lunar vibes, I created a free poster for you, and included a bonus page of journal prompts! Pop your name in below and I’ll send you the high quality printable. You’ll also be on my list for regular soul-nourishing goodness (psst. this is where I tuck in exclusive offers + freebies). Yay!

Yes! Send me the poster + prompts!

Thank you for being here and reading these words.

Know peeps who would find value in this read? Please share the love via your fav social feed. Ready to align deeper with your divine self? Check out 1:1 Sessions with me.

So much love,

Jelena xx

My Balinese buddha with a new purpose in the bird bath.

There I was refilling the water vessels in my garden for the birds and insects when I felt nudged to place this calm one in the water.

Makes for a very handy and safe landing pad for the smaller creatures. 

Remember to leave out a bowl of drinking water for the animals, even when we have on-and-off rain here in Australia, as any water that might make a puddle can evaporated quickly.

Thank you for being here and reading these words.

If you found value in this post join my list below to receive the latest soul-nourishing goodness from me straight to your inbox + it’s also where I tuck in exclusive offers and freebies, yay! Know peeps who would also find value in this read? Please share the love via your fav social feed. How to work deeper with me; Check out 1:1 Sessions with me.

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So much love,

Jelena xx

Lunar feels. Exactly like the rain today.

Lunar feels. Exactly like the rain today.

It’s on.
It’s off.
It’s on.
It’s off.

We’re in the Dark Moon phase in preparation for our first New Moon for 2020 tomorrow.

Until then, it’s a time of reflection, introspection and recognising what you are really thinking.

If you are one foot in, one foot out with things or semi-radiating who you really are out of fear or doubt… acknowledge that, thank it for its clarifying dance and hand it up to the Universe/ Source/ Mama Creator for transformation.

If you feel called, deliberately wash your face as a gesture of readiness for the newness on its way to you. 

Thank you for being here and reading these words.

If you found value in this post join my list below to receive the latest soul-nourishing goodness from me straight to your inbox + it’s also where I tuck in exclusive offers and freebies, yay! Know peeps who would also find value in this read? Please share the love via your fav social feed. How to work deeper with me; Check out 1:1 Sessions with me.

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So much love,

Jelena xx

I tune into my heart; a mantra for the now.

A mantra for the now.

It flowed out earlier this morning after waking up to bushfire smoke in the air.

When we move though personal or collective crisis or deep change, it can see daily practices that maintain our wellbeing go out the proverbial window.

It’s normal to pause or push away on some level the things that seem we can do without. To tend first to the most pressing and essential.

Where possible cultivate and replenish a personal collection of tools that help you focus, harmonise your energy and create the space for clarity to find you.

So that when pressing things arrive and one or two or more things are paused there is at least one practice in your toolbox or medicine bag that assists you along the way.

It might be deliberate breathing, journalling, dancing, drawing, singing, moving, tapping along your meridians, dabbing skin-friendly essential oils on your pulse points, using a mantra like this one or whatever soothes, supports or uplifts you.

For me meditation is one daily non-negotiable practice. It has alleviated anxiety, supports my everyday and has buoyed me through some rough seas.

Do you have a daily non-negotiable or if you had one what would you most like it to be for you right now?

A note, and if that one tool also goes out the window for whatever reason, be easy with yourself.

Thank you for being here and reading these words.

If you found value in this post join my list below to receive the latest soul-nourishing goodness from me straight to your inbox + it’s also where I tuck in exclusive offers and freebies, yay! Know peeps who would also find value in this read? Please share the love via your fav social feed. How to work deeper with me; Check out 1:1 Sessions with me.

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So much love,

Jelena xx